Stock Picks For March 2017

Good day to all my followers

It's been quite awhile since my last update in this page and telegram channel. Well, I hoped that everyone who really followed my picks made money.

Eg: Hibiscus, Dnex, A-rank, and almost 100% of short-term picks posted in December.

Stock Picks for Decembers 2016  &   HIBISCUS & DNEX 

Over the past 2 months in the Trump-era, we have seen the asset re-allocation from emerging market into developing market. This made the asset in emerging market look relatively attractive. I believe the bull run in KLCI should continue as long as BNM continue with its current rulings on MYR which eventually stabilise MYR. The maturities in the bond market is not really a concern for now as the foreign investors will repatriate the funds back to their home country; thanks to this new rulings and also the already depreciated MYR. Instead of letting the funds stay idle, most asset managers are actually switching into equities market locally.

Well, the reason I stopped giving short-term calls for (Fast in Fast out)Fifo or intraday,contra trading in my telegram channel as I find it is not really useful as there are so many free channels out there already. Feedback is welcomed though.

These are stock calls given in December 2016. Those who followed closely and hold these picks should have pocketed handsome gain.  Most of the picks hit target and a few are still trading higher.

And here comes the main content for this e-mail. I am sure that most of the stock picks below have gone up. Yes, it's a shopping list. I do not ask you guys to buy all. Just keep an eyes on these counters as these selection are based on the fundamentals & Technical analysis of the company.

Please note that short-term indicate holdings the stocks for upto 1 month and medium term are for 1 month and above.

Last but not least, I am considering to set up a new chat group in telegram with those person who signed up under my link previously.  The reasons to this is because I do not have much time to update in here as well as my fb group, but with a chat group. It's easier to update more frequently, and users can ask more questions on my picks instead of sending me e-mail privately.

This chat group will be a separate one from the 2 existing room that I have.

Why create so many chatroom? I am considering to close my existing chatgroup as I find them not as useful as what I thought. We see spam, swearing, advertisement,etc.

Let's see the response and I shall consider it.

Till then,

Clocking out,
Luiki @SMG 

* TP are noted in brackets, the levels are based SMG's view points.  
* We do trade call-warrants and company warrants of above-mentioned counters, not advisable for  beginners.
* Will update the picks from time-to-time in telegram's channel

Like our facebook too as we will post useful information from time to time

p/s: Do share with your friends/family members who are interested to join as well.

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